Tahukah kalian buah paling berharga di seluruh muka Bumi? Jawabannya adalah: Apel Emas. Apel Emas adalah mahkota seluruh buah. Raja dari raja segala jenis buah. Tapi Apel Emas tidak sembarang tu…
Kerja sama. Kerja sama. Kerja sama adalah kunci mengatasi banyak masalah. Malam itu, serigala buas melolong mendatangi perkebunan jagung untuk memangsa hewan ternak. Bebek ber-kwek kwek kwek k…
Yuk, belajar tentang nama-nama anggota tubuh dan pancaindra beserta fungsinya!
Keluarga Ella punya rahasia besar. Mamanya adalah seorang Peri! Dia bisa menjalankan mantra ajaib dengan tongkat Digistik-nya dan membuat kepangan rambut yang rapi, mengadakan pesta ulang tahun ter…
Once there were two mice who fell in love with the same snowman, and this is how it happened.
"Mastering English" is a series of books with a totally different flavor. These books are not the boring - 'hard to understand' kind of stuffs. This series has three categories; grammar, vocabulary…
Christmas is only a day away, and Millicent Mouse has scrubbed and dusted and baked, until everything is perfect! But when Millicent's friends need help, her plans go topsy turvy! How will she have…
Every student wants to read, write and speak the normal English. The problem with young students is they find the books in their selves quite difficult and boring, specially the grammar books. "Ma…
"How did you get her? You must go back to the toy shelf" Poor Corduroy! How will he ever find a home?